Journal Articles
- Fernandes MS, Rodrigues E, Costa JJ, A new wind direction-driven heat convection model is needed in dynamic simulation: what, why, and how. Energy and Buildings, 2022; 256:111716. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111716. URL:http://hdl.handle.net/10316/96600.
- Rodrigues E, Fernandes MS, Carvalho D, Future weather generator for building performance research: An open-source morphing tool and an application. Building and Environment, 2023; 233:110104. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110104.
- Rodrigues E, Fereidani NA, Fernandes MS, Gaspar AR, Climate change and ideal thermal transmittance of residential buildings in Iran. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023; 74:106919. doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2023.106919.
- Fereidani NA, Rodrigues E, Gaspar AR, The effectiveness of the Iranian building code in mitigating climate change in Bandar Abbas. Energy for Sustainable Development, 2023; 76:101266. doi:10.1016/j.esd.2023.101266.
- Parente JM, Rodrigues E, Rangel B, Martins JP, Integration of convolutional and adversarial networks into building design: a review. Journal of Building Engineering, 2023; 76:107155. doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2023.107155.
- Rodrigues E, Parente JM, Fernandes MS, Building for tomorrow: Analyzing ideal thermal transmittances in the face of climate change in Brazil. Applied Energy, 2024; 355:122360. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2023.122360.
- Fernandes MS, Coutinho B, Rodrigues E, The impact of climate change on an office building in Portugal: Measures for a higher energy performance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024;445:141255. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.141255.
- Rodrigues E, Fereidani NA, Fernandes MS, Gaspar AR, Diminishing benefits of thermal mass in Iranian climate: Present and future scenarios. Building and Environment, 2024;258:111635. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2024.111635.
- Tajuddeen I, Rodrigues E, A Morris sensitivity analysis of an office building’s thermal design parameters under climate change in sub-Saharan Africa. Building and Environment, 2024;262:111771. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2024.111771.
- Brites GJ, Garruço M, Fernandes MS, Pinto DMS, Gaspar AR, Seasonal storage for space heating using solar DHW surplus. Renewable Energy, 2024;231:120889. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2024.120889.
- Rodrigues C, Rodrigues E, Fernandes MS, Tadeu S, Prospective life cycle approach to buildings’ adaptation for future climate and decarbonization scenarios. Applied Energy, 2024;372:123867. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2024.123867.
- Fereidani NA, Rodrigues E, Gaspar AR, Decoding climate change influence: A sensitivity analysis of Iranian multi-apartment design parameters. Energy, 2025;318:134742. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2025.134742.
- Rodrigues E, Fernandes MS, Carvalho D, ‘Future Weather Generator‘, Cross-platform software, 2022. URL: https://bitbucket.org/cling-project/futureweathergenerator/
- Rodrigues E, Fernandes MS, Carvalho D, ‘Future Weather Generator PT Ed.‘, Cross-platform software, 2022. URL: https://bitbucket.org/cling-project/futureweathergenerator_portugal/
- Rodrigues E, ‘JavaIDFParserCreater – Creates automatically an IDF parser library for JAVA programming‘, Cross-platform software, 2022. URL: https://bitbucket.org/cling-project/javaidfparsercreator/
- Rodrigues E, Fernandes MS, Dataset of the energy performance of synthetic residential buildings in Europe and Africa under climate change, figshare, 2022. URL: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.21287883.
- Rodrigues E, Azimi Fereidani N, Fernandes MS, Gaspar AR, Dataset of the energy performance of synthetic residential buildings in Iran under climate change, figshare, 2023. URL: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.21905682.
- Rodrigues E, Tinseth J, Global Household Size and Energy Use Intensity Under Shared Socioeconomic Pathways from 1960 to 2100, figshare, 2025. URL: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.28207895.
- Rodrigues E, Robustness of Buildings in Face of Climate Change, Univ. of Lisbon, Univ. of Porto and Univ. of Coimbra, Doctoral Program in Energy, Environment, and Sustainability, December 11, 2023.
- Rodrigues E, Building Performance Today and in Climate Change Scenarios, University of Turku, Sustainable Cities and Communities Master, for Governance of Sustainable Cities and Societies Course, March 23, 2023.
- Rodrigues E, Building Performance Today and in Climate Change Scenarios, University of Turku, Sustainable Cities and Communities Master, for Governance of Sustainable Cities and Societies Course, April 23, 2024.
- Gaspar, AR, Buildings and Climate Change: Strategies for Designing a Sustainable Future, Climamed 2024 – 11th HVAC Mediterranean Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, May 17-18, 2024.
International Communications
- Freitas TS, Guimarães AS, Roels S, de Freitas VP, Cataldo A, Continuous measurement of moisture content in building materials with Time-Domain Reflectometry, 2nd International Conference on Moisture in Buildings, 3-4 June 2023, London, UK, 2023.
- Vaz R, Silva R, Pereira SC, Carvalho AC, Carvalho D, Rocha A, Modelling of a Wildfire in Portugal using a fully coupled atmosphere-fire spread modelling system (Talk), 8th International Wildland Fire Conference, 16-19 May 2023, Porto, Portugal, 2023.
- Silva R, Carvalho AC, Carvalho D, Rocha A, Validation of a WRF-Chem setup aiming aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions studies over the Iberian Peninsula (Talk), European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, 23-28 April 2023, Vienna, Austria, 2023.
- Vaz R, Silva R, Pereira SC, Carvalho AC, Carvalho D, Rocha A, Modelling of a wildfire in Portugal using a fully coupled atmosphere-fire spread modelling system (Talk), European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, 23-28 April 2023, Vienna, Austria, 2023.
- Vaz R, Silva R, Pereira SC, Carvalho AC, Carvalho D, Rocha A, Formação de pyrocumulus num evento de megafogo em Portugal usando o modelo acoplado atmosfera-propagação de fogo WRF-SFIRE (Talk and Article in Conference Proceeding), 12.º Simpósio de Meteorologia e Geofísica da Associação Portuguesa de Meteorologia e Geofísica (APMG) e XXI Encontro Luso-Espanhol de Meteorologia, Lisboa, 20-22 March, 2023.
- Carvalho D, El Akkraoui A, Errico RM, Bosilovich M, Prive NC, On the convergence of reanalysis produced by different data assimilation streams: a case study with NASA’s GMAO MERRA-2 reanalysis system (Talk). European Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 3-8 Sep 2023.
- Fereidani NA, Rodrigues E, Gaspar AR, Energy Efficiency in Coastal Climates: Unravelling Design Sensitivities. ASHRAE Annual Conference, Indianapolis, USA, 22-26 Jun 2024. URL: https://www.proquest.com/openview/b2ae7ebcdb9f9ccf35ce3c52566908bd/1
- Rodrigues E, A research tool and its applications for mitigating climate change and urban heat in buildings (Talk). 2024 China-Portugal Joint Workshop on Climate Change and Low Carbon Transition, Beijing, 2-4 Sep 2024.
- Palley B, Freitas VP, Abreu P, Restivo MT, Freitas TS, Smart Hygrothermal Ventilation, an Energy-efficient Solution for Controlling Relative Humidity in Historical Constructions: a Case Study. Prohitech2025 – 5th International Conference PROHITECH – Protection of Historical Constructions, Napoli, Italy, 26-28 Mar 2025. Accepted.
National Communications
- Freitas TS, Guimarães AS, Roels S, de Freitas VP, Cataldo A, Medição do Teor de Humidade em Materiais de Construção com a Técnica Time-Domain Reflectometry, Construção 2022, 5-7 December, Guimarães, Portugal, 2022.
Master dissertations
- Cristianna Tenório Magalhães Carnaúba. Proposta de Soluções para Combater a Pobreza Energética em Portugal. Master in Civil Engineering. Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, 2023. URL: https://hdl.handle.net/10216/153590.
- Luís Miguel Marques Faria. Climate Change Impacts on Photovoltaic Solar Power Production Potential in Portugal. Master in Marine and Atmospheric Sciences. University of Aveiro, 2024.
- Diogo Pereira Henriques da Cruz. Sistema Integrado de Visualização de Previsões Meteorológicas e Ambientais para o Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar. Master in Communication and Web Technologies. University of Aveiro, 2024.
- António Manuel Barros Pereira. Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Resilience of the Pemba Provincial Hospital in Mozambique. Master in Mechanical Engineering. University of Coimbra, 2024.
- Sona Mammadzada. Fostering Sustainable Development: a Critical Examination of Sustainability Assessments in Adaptive Reuse Buildings. Master in Sustainable Cities and Communities. University of Poitier, University of Pavia, and University of Coimbra, 2024.
- David José Silva Duarte. Strategies for Climate Adaptation and Mitigation at the Lúrio University Student Residence in Mozambique. Master in Mechanical Engineering. University of Coimbra, 2024.
- Ana Matilde de Almeida Matos. Performance Evaluation and Improvement Measures of Residential Buildings in Rural Mozambique. Master in Mechanical Engineering. University of Coimbra, 2024.
- David Emanuel São Marcos Barbosa. Future precipitation scenarios in Portugal using high-resolution WRF simulations based on a global model from CMIP6. Master in Marine and Atmospheric Sciences. University of Aveiro, 2024.
- Jaden Tinseth. Assessing the Impact of Population Growth, Urbanization, and Decarbonization on Africa’s Residential Energy Needs and Their Contribution to Carbon Neutrality in a Future Climate Scenario. Master in Energy for Sustainability. University of Coimbra, 2025.
- Joana Martins, David Carvalho, Susana Cardoso Vaz, Alfredo Rocha. Testing the performance of different WRF PBL parameterizations schemes in the precipitation simulation under different Weather Regimes, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, 23-28 April 2023, Vienna, Austria, 2023.
- Azimi Fereidani, N., Rodrigues, E., Gaspar, A.R., Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Climate Robustness in Iranian Residential Buildings, MIT Portugal 2023 Annual Conference, 22 September, 2023.
- David Carvalho, Alexandra Monteiro, Sandra Rafael, Vera Rodrigues, Myriam Lopes, Alfredo Rocha, How well have CMIP3, CMIP5 and CMIP6 future climate projections portrayed the recently observed warming? American Geosciences Union Annual Meeting, 11-15 December, 2023.
- Workshop: ‘Future Weather Generator’, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Coimbra, May 19, 2023. Organized and presented by Eugénio Rodrigues.
- Workshop: ‘How to build climate change weather data?’, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, May 22, 2024. Organized by Ana S. Guimarães and presented by Eugénio Rodrigues.
Reporting of Software Issues (EnergyPlus)
#9432 – Building north axis affects the roof perimeter in the outside surface convection calculations.
#9400 – ** Severe ** stoi: no conversion in macOS Monterey.
#9679 – Chiller:Electric:ASHRAE205 has two A21 fields in Energy+.idd (v 22.2.0).
#9709 – Output:Diagnostics:DisplayWeatherMissingDataWarnings returns false warnings
#9813 – Inconsistency between Floor and Roof values in EIO/IO Manual
#9834 – Inaccurate HVAC heating consumption evolution for building rotation
#9901 – SurfaceProperty:ExteriorNaturalVentedCavity results in convection model errors
#9961 – Chiller:Electric:ASHRAE205 object has two A21 fields in Energy+.idd version 23.1.0