Researchers from ADAI-UC and CESAM-UA have developed a new app (release candidate) that generates future weather data to be used in EnergyPlus. The app is called ‘Future Weather Generator,’ explicitly built for scientists and building designers.
For example, scientists can use the app as a standalone tool or integrate it into their research code to analyze and optimize a building’s energy behavior in different climate scenarios. Likewise, building designers can predict how a future building will perform.

The app morphs current EnergyPlus Weather data to match future climate change scenarios of two general circulation models (the EC-Earth3 used in the 6th IPCC report and the HadCM3 used in the 3rd IPCC report). Read more about it at the app website:
The app is free, open-source, and cross-platform. Feel free to download the release candidate and test it. You can contribute by suggesting enhancements or corrections.
The Foundation for Science and Technology supports the development of this app through the CLING Project (PTDC/EME-REN/3460/2021).